Rose - E oil : This essential oil aids in healing dry, aggravated, and cracked skin, which may also be the reason it's commonly found in lotions and lip balms.
Rose petals : Roses exert a stunning effect on your lips. They not only lend a pinkish hue to your lips but also make them soft as they moisturise the skin and enhance colour. Moreover, rose petals exfoliate your lips and make them look fuller.
Sugar : Lip exfoliating with a sugar scrub or other natural exfoliants helps encourage blood circulation in your lips. Increasing circulation helps promote cellular turnover, revealing fresh new skin cells and a plumper pout.
Olive oil : Applying olive oil on lips can help to hydrate and nourish dry, cracked, or chapped lips. Regular use of olive oil can result in soft and supple lips. This is because olive oil contains fatty acids that can penetrate the skin and help to lock in moisture.
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